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Dowry Complaint

Dowry is one of those old curses that society is still suffering from. In India, many deaths, divorce, suicide, separation of couples, and so on have been taking place due to dowry. Offering or asking for dowry is a punishable act. If you provide or take dowry, you can be behind the bar for up to five years. Even after strict activation of such a law, this practice is still the society. If you are facing harassment from your in-laws and husband and the situation is becoming more suffocated for you due to dowry, you should go for filing a divorce dowry case right now with the help of expert lawyers for dowry case.

What is a dowry divorce case?
According to the Dowry Prohibition Act, Dowry stands for any property or valuable security given or agreed to be given either directly or indirectly: “a) by one party in a marriage to the other party in marriage; or (b) by the parents of either party to a marriage or by any other person to either party to the marriage.”

Under section 498 IPC, a woman can file a dowry harassment case against her husband and in-laws. If the woman is not in the husband’s place, still she will be able to file the lawsuit and get justice.

Dowry complaint lawyer in Delhi

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